How do I setup registration for a camp?
If you are running an event, such as a camp, you'll want to configure your session so that guest checkout is possible and that people registering for the camp do not get access to your WrestlingIQ account.
When setting up your paid session make sure to select 'One time session' for the event type.Unchecking that box will allow guest registration and ensure community members at large don't gain access to your account (notice in the picture below that no password field is required). If existing team members are already signed in, they'll skip the screen below and have their information pre-filled. Using WrestlingIQ for camps like this makes it easy for your existing team to register and optimized your guest registration experience too.
Camp registrants will still need to answer all of your configured registration questions and sign your required documents, they just don't need to setup an account to register & pay for your event.
Once you've setup your camp, you'll see the link to promote back on the main session registrations page, right below the camp name. Open it in an incognito window to see the full guest checkout experience: