Importing your high school or college team

Importing is only recommended for college and high school teams

If you are a club team, we recommend that you add parent and wrestlers to your team by opening up registration for your next season. Typically that results in cleaner data and less confusion for your parents, since they will need to set up their account before they pay. See here for details on how to get ready to accept your first registration in WrestlingIQ as a club team.

If you don't want to import your team one by one, WrestlingIQ gives you the ability to upload a CSV file that will import wrestlers, invite them, and also invite parents (if you want). 

Head to the importer

Navigate to Roster - Wrestlers - Import

You can use any program you want; however, a Google Sheets template is available for you to duplicate and fill out. If you do not want to use the Sheets spreadsheet, make sure your CSV file has the headers in the first row as described (capitalization matters).

Enter in your data. Many teams will often take a laptop to the first day of practice and have the kids enter their information into the spreadsheet directly. After the first practice you can go home, then export the spreadsheet as a CSV. Note that the importer only accepts .csv files.

Once you upload the CSV file and click the 'Upload' button WrestlingIQ will give you a chance to review the import and do a basic check to try to throw out any duplicates. For wrestlers, duplicates are based on first name and last name—exact spelling matches—and a date of birth if given. Parents duplicates are detected by an exact spelling match.

Here's what the importer might show after you upload the file, but before you begin the import:

Tap the 'Import' button and WrestlingIQ will save all of the importable wrestlers and parents to your account. If you entered emails, invites will be sent to the wrestlers/parents, which will let them create an account to begin receiving messages, viewing the calendar, etc. 

Want to see who has accepted their invites?

The 'Invite Status Report' in the reports area of WIQ is what you want. That will show you who has accepted and allow you to quickly resend any invites for outstanding accounts.

Duplicate data? Run a merge

If you ended up with duplicate accounts, the easiest way to deal with it is to merge the two accounts together.

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