Bulk updating wrestler records

This article is intended for Admin accounts (coaches with role 'admin'). If you are an assistant coach, talk to your team admin for bulk update assistance.

Download a roster report

The bulk updating function relies on internal WrestlingIQ id numbers. Because of that, we always recommend that you start with a 'Roster Report'.

Manipulate the data in Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.

Open the downloaded roster report in spreadsheet software and make the changes you need. In this example I've updated the academic class for all wrestlers and added a few values to the private wrestler properties on the team account (screenshots in the next section).

Head to the bulk update page and pick the properties to update


Update your spreadsheet with the requested headers

In order for WIQ to link wrestler properties to columns, the bulk updater will tell you what to rename your columns to. Go ahead and update those columns (you can ignore / leave the other columns) in your spreadsheet and then download your spreadsheet to CSV.

Upload & Review Update

After you upload your CSV file with the headers matching, you'll be given a chance to review your data before you do the bulk update.

Run it!

Press the 'Process Bulk Update' button at the bottom. That will kick off your update—1 row at a time—and you will see progress as it happens. Once it's all complete, you are given quick links to the wrestler records to verify that the update happened properly.

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