Getting started with e-signing for club registration

Before you dive in

Have any liability forms you have previously used handy so you can easily copy and paste, or type, them into the WrestlingIQ document editor.

1. Go to the documents page and decide on the type of forms you need to add

As an admin, go to the documents page.  Once there, decide on which type of document you want people to e-sign.

Liability Forms

Liability forms are the most common type of form used with e-signatures and could be your medical waiver, general liability waiver, or marketing release form. This type of form is signed by parents on behalf of the children they are registering for your event or team. Parents with multiple kids will sign liability forms multiple times, once for each kid.

An example liability form, as seen by parents registering their child. Note the explicit call out of the parent name and child name.

Documents Requiring A Signature

These documents are signed by the person who is logged in and currently registering (usually the parent who is registering their kid). These forms do not apply to each child individually like the liability forms do and are signed once, regardless of how many children the parent is registering. A common example of this is team rules, which is a form that you want everybody to sign, including the parents.

An example of a document requiring a signature. Note that only the currently logged in user signs the form and it is not explicitly linked to any wrestlers.


These documents do not need to be signed, but may need to be accessed by your team. In general you can think of this more as file storage than documents that need to be signed. Common things that go in here could be transportation guidelines, volunteer information, or any other informational worksheet you provide to your wrestlers or parents.

2. Creating a document

The document builder allows you to style your form in multiple ways, including adding headlines, lists, and more. You can paste the document in from Google docs or Word and it will do it's best to retain common formatting. 

3. Viewing signed documents

Forms that require a signature, and liability forms, are signed every time a parent signs up for a new session. If you want to view the documents that have been signed, you can do so by viewing either the parent or wrestler's profile in WrestlingIQ. Clicking on any of the forms will bring up the print view of the form, which contains the electronic signature, names, and when they signed.

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