Creating a practice plan
First go to the calendar and create a new event of type 'Practice'.
After the event is made, tap/click on the event to go into the details page, you'll see something like this. Tap the 'Practice' tab and then the 'Edit' button to enter the practice builder.
Drag & Drop Editor
After that you will be in the practice plan builder, where you drag and drop sections into the plan.
You'll notice a few handy features as you build out the practice, such as an automatically calculated estimated practice run time and individual section time.
Use the 'Save block...' to save commonly used drills, techniques, conditioning, or anything else to easily reuse across practices.
Saving, Viewing, Notifying Coaches and Printing
When you save a practice plan you'll be asked if you want to automatically notify the rest of the coaching staff of the updated practice plan. If you select yes, WrestlingIQ will automatically send each coach on your team an email notifying them. This helps make it easy to keep coaching staffs in sync, particularly out of building coaches who can now review the plan before they get to practice.
While the editor works best on a computer, viewing the plan will work on any table or mobile phone. Clicking 'Print' back onto the event page will give you a special view that is optimized specifically for paper.