How to use Notes in the Calendar to reduce questions
Use the Notes section on the calendar event to help reduce questions from parents and wrestlers.
Go to Calendar -> + New Event or edit an existing event and scroll down to find the notes section under event location:
We recommend always including:
- Who should attend this event, or who it is open to.
- What to bring or expect from this event
- Parent Details such as drop or, or where to watch from and mat side rules for parents
- When to arrive and other itinerary details like weigh in time, warmup, departure, when the facility closes or to pickup
- Additional like membership information, links to register for events or camps, volunteers needed and links to volunteer signup sheets, or who to DM on WIQ for additional information.
- Pro Tip: Create and save a template you can copy and paste when creating different event types, so all you need to do is edit it for that event.
Calendar notes for a camp registration

Calendar notes for a tournament

Note on notes when sending Event Invites:
When sending an Event Invite via the calendar, all of your notes will show up in the email a parent or wrestler receives for that event: