One-time registration fees for recurring subsciptions

Add one-time fees to your subscription prices

Under Payments -> Registrations, as an admin, either edit your existing subscription registration of create a new one. There is a field that lets you set your one-time registration fee within each price point.

What does the customer see?

Customers will see a separate line item at checkout, like this:

How do scholarship codes affect one time registration fees?

In general scholarship fees impact the subscription and have no effect on the one-time fee.

The only exception for this is if a 100% off coupon is applied, in that scenario, the one time registration fee goes to $0 as well.

Charges / how can admins see if they paid?

One-time registration fees show up as separate charges to make bookkeeping easier for your accountant. You'll see them bunched up like this on your payments dashboard.

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