How to cancel a recurring membership (subscription)

You can cancel your subscription at anytime, to cancel your subscription open your computer browser, log in to WIQ and go to your payments page.

Then click the subscription you would like to cancel. Then choose "cancel..". Once you cancel both you and the coaching staff will receive an email confirming your subscription was canceled.

Step 1: Click here to go to your payments feed or log in and find it on the left side toolbar

Step 2: Click 'View Subscription' on the subscription you would like to cancel

Step 3: Choose 'cancel...', then confirm the cancellation. Once you have cancelled your coaches and you will receive an email confirming the subscription cancellation.

Note: Teams can turn the ability for self cancellation off. If you see a popup telling you to contact a coach before cancelling, please do so. We allow teams to choose this option in case they need to enforce contract lengths; however, if you believe a team is abusing this feature please reach out to

Cancelation will also remove your wrestler from any synced rosters and synced messaging groups that were tied to that membership.

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